CALL the BC government and demand action for BC’s most at-risk ancient forests
10 Day Countdown for At-Risk Ancient Forests
Thursday, March 11th marks the six-month deadline for the BC government to halt logging in all at-risk old-growth forests in BC, according to its own Old Growth Panel recommendations.
So far, the province has only deferred logging in a mere 3,800 hectares of unprotected, big tree forests, leaving the other 99% on the chopping block.Every day on the countdown to March 11th, we’ll highlight a different endangered ancient forest that deserves an immediate deferral (followed by long-term protection), starting with the spectacular Fairy Creek. For six months, independent blockaders have kept logging company Teal-Jones from clearcutting the Fairy Creek headwaters, but Teal-Jones are now seeking an injunction that could remove the blockaders and leave the valley open to logging again. Filled with ancient yellow cedars up to 1,000 years old or more, Fairy Creek is the last remaining, unprotected, intact valley on Southern Vancouver Island and must remain that way.
NOW is the time to SPEAK UP & pressure the BC NDP stick to their promise!
CALL Premier Horgan & Forests Minister Katrine Conroy and demand they halt logging in at-risk ancient forests across BC by March 11th.