Some moviegoers leave Avatar depressed

The Avatar blues

When you stop and think about it, post-Avatar depression isn't as bizarre a phenomenon as it seems. If news reports and postings on fansites such as Naviblue and Avatar Forums are to be believed, many filmgoers are feeling as blue as those tall, peace-loving Na'vi aliens after watching James Cameron's stunning 3-D sci-fi epic.

TJ stands in the forefront wearing a black hoodie. Behind him stands a number of old-growth cedars and other ancient trees.

A Channel News – Giant Fir Threatened

Conservationists say the BC government is putting the future of the World's tallest Douglas fir tree in jeopardy.

Rare stand of old-growth trees near Port Renfrew only partly protected says eco-group

Logging is already prohibited in part of a stand of massive old-growth trees near Port Renfrew that the community and environmentalists want protected, but it's not nearly enough, say members of the Ancient Forest Alliance. A section of the stand, nicknamed Avatar Grove, is in an old-growth management area, meaning no cutting is allowed, Forests Ministry spokeswoman Vivian Thomas said yesterday.

Environmental group: Protect rare forest giants marked for logging near Port Renfrew

Some of the giants stretch straight to the sky for 80 metres, while others are bulbous and misshapen, the knots and gnarls betraying their age. The old-growth Douglas firs and red cedars have stood in the valley beside the Gordon River for centuries, but now, in the almost undisturbed grove, the end is spelled out in spray paint and logging tape.

Ancient Forest Alliance

TJ Watt Exclusive Interview Canadian Landscape Environmental Photographer

TJ Watt is a professional photographer living in the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC. Born and raised in the rural town of Metchosin, he carries with him a strong passion for the outdoors, the environment, and life itself.

Environmental organization launches VIRY REAL (Vancouver Island Rainforest therapy – Real Earth Appreciation Lessons) for distraught Avatar film-goers

A Canadian environmental organization has established a 3 Step Program designed to cure thousands of movie-goers who complain about sinking into a depression in their drab, Earthly lives after watching scenes of spectacular alien rainforests and wildlife in James Cameron’s hugely popular film, “Avatar”.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Island forest group strikes out on its own

Veteran activists with the Victoria branch of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee are splitting from the group's Vancouver headquarters and forming a new organization dedicated to fighting for old-growth forests.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Old Forests, New Twist

Tis the season, it would seem, for turmoil in the environmental movement. With run-of-the-river power projects testing the solidarity of green-minded British Columbians, and last summer’s high-profile battle for the leadership of The Land Conservancy, we now have the Western Canada Wilderness Committee announcing the closure of its Victoria storefront and shifting the focus of its Island campaigner to marine issues from old-growth forest protection.

Backing against a giant Douglas fir in Francis King Regional Park

Old-growth forest activists launch new group

Prolific environmental activists have formed a fledgling old-growth forest watchdog group after parting ways with the Western Canada Wilderness Committee.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Local Environmental Activist Takes New Role in Protecting Old Growth Forests

Ken Wu --- The former campaign director for the Western Canada Wilderness Committee --- and the new head of the Ancient Forest Alliance says there are a million hectares of unprotected old growth forests at risk on BC's south coast.