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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
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Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
New Photo Gallery: Fairy Creek headwaters
See our latest photo gallery featuring Fairy Creek, the last unlogged old-growth valley on southern Vancouver Island (outside of parks) near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory that’s at-risk of future logging by Teal Jones:
Massive old-growth yellow cedars, including Canada’s ninth-widest, under threat in one of Vancouver Island’s last intact valleys
“The province needs to recognize the importance of BC’s old-growth forests for ecosystem and climate resilience, as well as human health and wellbeing,” stated Inness. “We need to hear strong commitments from the BC NDP and details of its plan to protect old-growth forests, based on recommendations from the independent panel.” “BC’s strategy to ‘build […]
Protesters block logging road near Port Renfrew
Times Colonist August 12, 2020 About 20 protesters have blocked a logging road near Port Renfrew, vowing they will stay until old-growth forests in a critical watershed area of the San Juan River are protected. The protesters say they want the provincial government to prevent Teal Jones from building a road into the […]
APTN NEWS- Fairy Creek
Check out this APTN News piece about the current blockade to stop Teal Jones from logging Fairy Creek, the last unlogged watershed in the San Juan river system and probably the last unprotected intact watershed on southern Vancouver Island. (Skip ahead to 1:33 to watch the segment). Endangered ancient forests like those surrounding Fairy Creek […]
Hunger Strike Ends, but Old Growth Battle Just Beginning, Say Protesters
Lack of response from government led Nanaimo duo to give up fast after two weeks. The TyeeAugust 11, 2020 Two Nanaimo men have ended their hunger strike in protest of old growth logging but vow the fight to change government policy will continue. James Darling and Robert Fuller ended their strike at a weekend rally after two […]
Battle of Fairy Creek: blockade launched to save Vancouver Island old-growth
Independent activists have launched a blockade to stop Teal Jones from road building and logging in the spectacular, intact Fairy Creek watershed in Pacheedaht territory near Port Renfrew. The group are calling on the NDP government to release the Old Growth Strategic Review panel's recommendations on how BC should best manage old-growth and to enact immediate moratoria for Vancouver Island's remaining ancient forests.
The future of BC’s ancient forests hangs in the balance of decisions made today
While the NDP government deliberates on the future of BC’s endangered old-growth forests, logging of ancient trees continues at a shocking pace across the island. Teal-Jones is one of the worst offenders, with dozens of old-growth cutblocks spread out across the Walbran, Caycuse, and Gordon River Valleys. They’ve also begun road construction adjacent to the […]
ACTION ALERT: Have your say on BC’s COVID-19 economic recovery plan.
Until Tues, July 21st, British Columbians can submit their input on the BC government’s COVID-19 economic recovery plan. This presents a critical opportunity to call for investments in environmental protection and the transition to a green economy, including sustainable, second-growth forestry, as the province works to "build back better". Speak up today.
Photos: Taylor River Valley – Old-Growth Under Threat
See our latest photo gallery exposing BC Timber Sales' plans to auction off nearly 200 football fields worth of old-growth forest in the Taylor River Valley near Port Alberni.
ACTION ALERT: Speak up for ancient forests. Submit your feedback on Budget 2021 by June 26th!
Right now until 5:00 pm, Friday, June 26th, the BC government is seeking input from British Columbians on their priorities for the 2021 provincial budget. This is a critical opportunity for us to request funding for old-growth forest protection! Budget 2021 will set the tone for a post-COVID-19 BC. With $1.5 billion in stimulus spending, […]