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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
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Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Conservationists condemn BC NDP Government’s plans to log old-growth forest adjacent to Juan de Fuca Provincial Park
Conservationists with the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) are outraged that the BC government’s logging agency, BC Timber Sales, is currently auctioning off 109 hectares of old-growth forest adjacent to Juan de Fuca Provincial Park on Vancouver Island.
New IMAX Film by Renowned Canadian Video Artist to Highlight Vancouver Island’s Endangered Old-Growth Forests
The magnificent but endangered old-growth forests of Vancouver Island are about to get a large-scale national audience on IMAX screens across Canada. Read on to hear more!
Join us for the 35th Anniversary Celebration of the Meares Island Tribal Park!
Join the AFA and the Iisaak Olam Foundation in celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Meares Island Tribal Park Declaration, Wednesday April 17th at the White Eagle Polish Hall from 6pm-9pm.
Plan to allow logging of old growth forests draws criticism
Check out this Global News piece about conservationists’ disappointment with the BC NDP and their plans to auction off 1,300 hectares of old-growth on Vancouver Island, featuring Sierra Club BC’s Jens Wieting, and footage by AFA’s TJ Watt.
3 ways to celebrate & support ancient forests this month
Don't miss your opportunity to score a FREE Big Tree Poster set, take part in our awesome Earth Day t-shirt photo challenge, and pick up a gorgeous (and now discounted!) 2019 calendar before April 22nd!
On International Day of Forests, conservation groups call on B.C. government to immediately halt logging of last intact old-growth areas
Environmental organizations Ancient Forest Alliance, Sierra Club BC and the Wilderness Committee call on the B.C. government to stop issuing logging permits in B.C.’s last remaining intact old-growth forest “hotspots” and endangered old-growth ecosystems and to implement legislation to protect endangered ancient forests.
ACTION ALERT: Send a message and help protect spectacular Jurassic Grove!
The licensee with logging rights to the most spectacular sections of Jurassic Grove is accepting public feedback on their logging plans. Please send a message by 5pm Monday, March 4th, asking for the remaining unprotected sections of Jurassic Grove to be added to adjacent Old Growth Management Areas.
Conservationists disappointed Budget 2019 fails to prioritize protection of endangered old-growth forests
The Ancient Forest Alliance is disappointed the NDP government’s provincial budget, released yesterday, fails to allocate urgently needed funding for the protection of endangered old-growth forests. Read on for our full response.
Victoria City Council unanimously adopts resolution calling for the protection of Vancouver Island’s old-growth forests
Victoria City Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Thursday calling on the BC government to protect Vancouver Island's endangered old-growth forests, starting with a moratoria on old-growth logging, and to work with First Nations, local communities, labour organizations, and industry to pursue a transition to a sustainable, second-growth forest industry!
Canada’s ‘most magnificent old-growth forest’ near Port Renfrew
View this CHEK News piece about one of Canada’s most magnificent old-growth forests, Mossome Grove, featuring Ken Wu of Endangered Ecosystems Alliance.