Photo Gallery: Old-Growth Logging on Edinburgh Mt. Near Port Renfrew

New logging has commenced on Edinburgh Mountain, an exceptional old-growth forest “hotspot” near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory on  Vancouver Island and the location of Big Lonely Doug (Canada’s second largest Douglas-fir tree) and the spectacular Eden Grove.

New Logging Operations Underway on Edinburgh Mountain, an Old-Growth Forest Environmental “Hotspot” near Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island

A 15.6 cutblock, featuring old-growth forest with monumental redcedars and Douglas-firs, is being logged by Teal Jones Group and adds to the over 75 hectares of old-growth forest the company has logged on Edinburgh Mountain since 2016.

Ancient Giant Logged in the Nahmint Valley

Thousands of ancient giants, like the enormous redcedar in this film, are being logged in Vancouver Island’s spectacular Nahmint Valley and many more are at risk. Speak up TODAY and send an instant message to the BC government demanding protection for BC’s endangered old-growth forests


Conservationists call for halt on old-growth logging in Nahmint Valley near Port Alberni

Watch this Global News piece about the logging of magnificent ancient forests in the Nahmint Valley near Port Alberni, featuring AFA Campaigner Andrea Inness.

Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner Andrea Inness walks beside an enormous

Eco-group files complaint over old-growth cuts

Times Colonist article about the complaint the AFA filed about the Nahmint Valley, which led to investigations by both the Ministry of Forests and the Forest Practices Board into potential non-compliance by BC Timber Sales.

Conservationists call for halt on old-growth logging in Vancouver Island’s spectacular Nahmint Valley in light of forestry watchdog investigation

Conservationists with the Ancient Forest Alliance are concerned that old-growth logging in the Nahmint Valley is continuing and that future logging is being planned for the area by the BC government, despite the fact a Forest Practices Board investigation is underway into whether the logging by BC Timber Sales fails to comply with legal orders.

AFA Holiday Booths – Dates & Locations

It’s that time of year again! Drop by an AFA booth in Victoria or Vancouver this holiday season to pick up gifts such as our 2019 calendar featuring beautiful images from AFA Photographer & Campaigner, TJ Watt, as well as our popular greeting cards, stickers, posters, buttons, and adoption certificates (adopt-a-tree or grove)! Victoria: Booth Location: MEC […]


Year-End Celebration & Fundraiser – THANK YOU!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported the AFA at our Year-End Celebration & Fundraiser on Nov. 29! We were delighted to welcome nearly 100 people throughout the evening, all who brought great energy, socializing, food and silent auction donations to make the night a great success!

Conservationists applaud old-growth protection resolution signed by Wilderness Tourism Association of BC

Conservationists with the Ancient Forest Alliance are celebrating a recent resolution by the Wilderness Tourism Association of BC (WTABC), representing 2,500 businesses across BC, calling on the BC NDP government to protect the province’s endangered old-growth forests, support First Nations sustainable economic development, and ensure a sustainable, value-added, second-growth forest industry.